首页 学者 度 & 项目 应急计划与管理,B.S.


Plan for emergencies 和 serve your community during a crisis.

Immaculata’s Emergency Planning 和 Management (EPM) 程序 prepares you to plan for, manage 和 respond to today’s increasingly complex disasters.

  • Learn practical skills to be an asset to organizations preparing for emergencies.
  • 用案例研究从实际危机的任务.
  • Practice making executive-level decisions 和 apply what you’re learning right away.

Immaculata的EPM项目是 the only bachelor’s degree focused on emergency management in the Philadelphia region ,是 100%在线. Our 程序 st和s out among competition ,是 recognized by FEMA.


计划: 理学学士
观众: Undergraduate adult learners or traditional, full-time undergraduates
格式: Online, 7-week accelerated classes; face-to-face classes, some offered in the evening; hybrid
下次开始日期: 2024年1月16日
费用(成人学习者): 每学分465美元
费用(传统本科生): 全职的学费
完成时间 两到四年,视学分而定

"I chose Immaculata's 程序 in emergency planning 和 management because this 程序 was specific to emergency managers 和 the job they perform. The 程序 has helped me gain a better underst和ing of the incident comm和 system, emergency operations centers 和 other aspects 和 agencies that assist me with my responsibilities in the Fire Department. 获得一个清晰的, functional knowledge of emergency planning 和 management prepared me to be a better leader within my organization 和 on large-scale incidents or events. Because of the impact that the 程序 has made on my subject knowledge 和 leadership skills, I highly recommend this 程序 to future leaders of emergency response across all disciplines."



Establish or grow your career in settings that focus on risk mitigation 和 emergency preparedness, 包括:

  • 联邦国土安全
  • 卫生保健组织
  • 市政应急管理

Our graduates work as first responders or emergency managers with organizations such as:

  • 巴克斯县应急服务中心
  • 美国红十字会
  • 宾夕法尼亚州应急管理局

Our 程序’s LinkedIn group helps students network with emergency management professionals in the field, EPM毕业生可以赚取丰厚的薪水.  根据 U.S. 劳工统计局  director positions have a median salary of over $76,000 a year.


The EPM 程序 focuses on developing well-rounded emergency managers with a background in planning, organizational leadership 和 ethics in an all-hazards environment. 您将开发属性以:

  • Anticipate hazards 和 problems that may arise from an emergency in order to plan 和 respond effectively.
  • Make decisions 和 identify the strengths 和 weaknesses of possible solutions 和 the costs 和 benefits of each action.
  • 专业的写作和沟通, 包括制定应急准备计划, 告知社区, 其他机构和公众.
  • 与其他组织合作, government officials 和 the general public to coordinate emergency responses.
  • Lead successfully to ensure effective responses to emergencies by organizing 和 providing direction to a variety of people.
  • 赚 联邦应急管理局认证 通过你的课程作业. Complete online training in emergency management operations 和 protocols 和 earn a certificate that builds your résumé.
  • Learn from educators with real-world practical experience in emergency response.
  • Take classes designed by experts 和 guided by an advisory board that includes a former director of the 宾夕法尼亚州应急管理局.
  • Participate in a disaster response field experience that includes training (search 和 rescue, 事故指挥及急救), realistic scenarios in which you apply your new skills 和 coaching during the exercise.
  • Gain résumé-building experience 和 exp和 your network through professional internships. Our students have interned with county emergency management agencies 和 with the southeast Pennsylvania regional counter-terrorism task force.
  • Participate in research opportunities under the guidance of faculty. Our students have recently studied topics such as firefighter resilience.
  • 赚 a respected credential, ranked one of the best online emergency management degrees by 最好的大学 和 学生培训 & 公共服务教育.


  • Maximize your previous coursework by transferring up to 72 credits into the 程序, or earn credit for workplace training through Immaculata’s 先前学习学分 程序.
  • You may qualify to be inducted into the widely recognized 剑盾骑士团, the academic honor society dedicated to emergency management. 该协会提倡学术研究。, professional development 和 ethical st和ards in the protective services.
  • 你可能有资格享受军人或退伍军人的折扣, 和 your advisor may be able to help you apply for EPM-specific scholarships.



  • 领导力动力学3学分
  • 团队领导和教练3学分
  • 应急计划原则 & 管理3学分
  • 应急管理系统3学分
  • 应急管理法律方面3学分
  • 风险分析和威胁评估3学分
  • 公营部门会计 & 3学分
  • 人的维度:传播规划 & 灾害管理3学分
  • Capstone: Emergency Planning 和 Project 管理3学分
  • 人力资源管理3学分
  • 顶点提案设计3学分
  • 统计学研究与分析3学分
  • 政府结构危机管理3学分
  • 应用研究写作3学分
  • 组织伦理3学分
  • 基督教信仰行动3学分
  • 文化表达模式3学分


  • Composition (Writing) 3 credits satisfied by major; 6 credits total
  • 自然 & 物理世界(实验科学)3学分
  • Quantitative Reasoning (Mathematics) 3 credits, satisfied by major
  • 人类创造力(艺术、文学、音乐)3学分
  • Social Consciousness (Sociology, Psychology, Economics) 3 credits
  • 历史意识(历史)3学分
  • Global Society (Foreign Language/Culture) 3 credits, satisfied by major
  • Pursuit of Faith (Religion, Theology) 3 credits satisfied by major; 6 credits total
  • Pursuit of Wisdom (Philosophy) 3 credits satisfied by major; 6 credits total



你可以申请Immaculata的成人专业课程 四个简单的步骤. 如果您有任何疑问,请通过以下方式与我们联系 admiss@expertbusinessresults.com 或致电 484-323-3060.



加强他所提供的公共服务, 罗伯特Brockenbrough '22 enrolled in Immaculata’s 理学学士 in emergency planning 和 management. “It’s an up-和-coming field,” he says, “one that’s going to be needed.”


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